I have a blaze burning inside me this sunny Saturday morning after reading a thought provoking quote. I am pondering two things about life...the bereavement of innocence lost...and the phoenix of a resolute heart rising from the smouldering embers of its grief.
"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt." ~Max Lerner, The Unfinished Country, 1950
I slept last night with a crib at the foot of my bed. My sweet cherub faced niece was inside. I heard her stir during the night...I heard the rhythm of baby breath. I checked her throughout the night, and saw her pink angel cheeks... her warm and snuggled deep in slumber. I was moved by these moment of innocence. I was moved knowing I will do anything to defend this blanket of protection over her. There isn't any battle I wouldn't fight, if it meant this brief time in her life was in jeopardy. The whisper of innocence in life is so very brief...it's preservation paramount to me. Perhaps, because I don't remember a lot of innocence in my childhood. The need to defend it in the lives of the little ones in my life is non negotioable. I am the warrior...I walk ahead, or alongside to stand in protection of those who can't...I choose to be the shelter.
As for the grief of my tarnished, distant innocence, and possibly yours as well, I extend this charge to you. Don't stand by and do nothing. If a child is in harms way, then be the brave guardian of their innocence. If a friend confronts loss...be their shelter. If you see a need in society, then be the agent of change...not the apathetic.
Protect the sleeping babies as long as you can, and choose to journey alongside those who may need your courage as a refuge.
I love this. Warrior you ARE and I feel the same as you about children. It is up to us to advocate and step up to protect their innocence. Children are more special than we know. xoxo