I went to church on December 13th, 2009 at 11:00 am. I picked up my friend on the way...we did a quick drive thru at Tim's...he got a large triple/triple...
The irony of this whole scenario is this. The message that day was entitled, " A Hopeful Message".
I remember being moved by the message at the time...yes, because it was applicable to my life...but it was an uncanny declaration of my friends life to that point. There were points in the message that we both laughed out loud, because clearly the message that God seemed to be pointing at my friend was..."buddy, you're on the right path..." .
I remembered a few moments of the service afterwards, but honestly, just went on with my day once we left. I drove my friend home. He got out of my Jeep...and for some reason...I was compelled to say something we had only ever written to each other. I saw his back...his feet hit the ground...him turn to shut the door...and I said..."Hey...I love you, you know." He thought for a moment...smiled, and said.." I love you too, girl...I'll be seeing ya.."
Here are a few of the things we were amazed at in that church service, on December 13th, 2009. This was Michael's CLEAR message from God...and I am blessed to have witnessed it. I am so glad that I have a copy of that message that I can listen to, and share if you would like..for comfort..for insight...and as a reminder that there is an urgent call to action.
"There is a light you alone can share....you are someone this world DESPERATELY needs. Our opportunities to be light are endless...It's time for fearless faith..." Do you think this was a coincidence? Do you think this message was meant for only Michael? It's for all of us, friends. We are ALL desperately needed in this world.
" You may not go everywhere..but if you go to the countries of the world, but not to YOUR world...you will miss the big picture." This is a heavy responsibility. It requires intention, forsight and compassion..and eyes to see a world that needs exactly who we are, right now..not in 5 yrs when we have time..RIGHT NOW.
Not a single one of us knew Michael by mistake. I challenge you to look at your world...and find a place where you can contribute. It may not be full time service at a Food Bank...that was his path...but I know we each have the opportunity everyday to make a difference...to someone.
If you are looking for perspective on a seemingly impossible task, I will share one last quote that made me smile at the time...and even more so now, when thinking about the grandeur of this mission..." You may not be able to help everybody...but you can help SOMEBODY".
May that somebody come to you, may you serve with humility...and may you make our friend proud.
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